Adventuresome Me

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Who I started out as is not who I have become! I grew up in a small town, very small...and all I wanted to do was move to the city. Now as an adult that small town has grown and is overcrowded. I want what I had as a kid...small town living. We don't appreciate what we have until it is gone. I water my plants with my rain barrel water,grow veggies in the front yard and want chickens and goats in the worst way. I married my high school sweetheart and after 18 years of marriage converted to Judaism. Did I mention I have 4 kids and I homeschool? My oldest son just graduated! The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences--homeschooling, being Jewish and loving it in a not so Jewish town, gardening, animals, and alternative medicines. So, if any of these things interest you---come along for the ride!


Not sure I want a separate homeschool link, but here it is.  The reason is, everything we do is part of our learning.  Taking care of our animals, gardening, cooking, trips....all part of education.  With that in mind, here are some homeschool specific activities....

Math--a favorite subject

Gym time

Got these weights off of free

Sarah made a breastplate, to show what the Kohen Gadol wears in the Torah, each square represents a Hebrew Tribe.

Making Hamentashen for Purim 

They were soooo good!

Homeschool event-Chiropractor shows the importance of the spine.

Each table traced someone

Licorice for the spine, donuts for the vertebrae...

canned frosting as the squishy membrane in-between

end result!


Sarah makes a volcano---no help from me

my mad scientist!

pink lava

green lava


walleyball with other homeschoolers--every week at a local gym

Arts and Crafts

Duck tape invasion!

flip flops

bottle holder


Now, this is the way to study!

Josh playing with the Klezmer Band

In the pool on a recent visit to see grandpa

Drivers Ed!

Field Trips

Sandia Mountains at sunset

self explanatory


Butterfly World

Botanical Gardens

A New Family!

Koala at the Zoo in Albequerque

He loved laughing at us!

Trail Ride-lots of fun-(I had the saddle surgically removed after the ride)

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