Adventuresome Me

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Who I started out as is not who I have become! I grew up in a small town, very small...and all I wanted to do was move to the city. Now as an adult that small town has grown and is overcrowded. I want what I had as a kid...small town living. We don't appreciate what we have until it is gone. I water my plants with my rain barrel water,grow veggies in the front yard and want chickens and goats in the worst way. I married my high school sweetheart and after 18 years of marriage converted to Judaism. Did I mention I have 4 kids and I homeschool? My oldest son just graduated! The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences--homeschooling, being Jewish and loving it in a not so Jewish town, gardening, animals, and alternative medicines. So, if any of these things interest you---come along for the ride!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ok, So Today is Easter

Today millions of Christians celebrate Easter.  The holiday actually starts with Good Friday (J-s-s's death) and ends with his resurrection today.  This is what they believe.  An increasing number also believe he died for them and if you believe this you are saved.  What if you don't believe this?  Born again Christians will say you are doomed for hell for eternity, separated from G-d forever.  If you don't believe now that he is Messiah, say the sinners prayer, and accept him into your heart, before you die, you are in big trouble.  As a teenager I was invited to a Baptist church, to go to the Youth Group and play volleyball.  I went on retreats with them, and learned all of this.  I accepted it out of fear, I figured I had nothing to lose.  I used to feel bad for the poor Jews who keep the law that was done away with and replaced by J-s-s.   We had such freedom and the Jews were in bondage.  This is what I was taught to think.  The point of my blog in general is to share what I have learned and am learning. 

G-d is a great orchestarator,  He made sure I met my bershert, who happens to be Jewish.  The rest was up to us.   He studied Torah and I started to as well.  The more I learned I realized being told 'believe this or else' is the real bondage.  On Rosh Hashana several years ago I denounced this belief.  I have to add in a disclaimer that not all christians are the "you must believe or die without G-d" type.  I have many wonderful christian friends and we respect each other and our different beliefs, this is not an article trashing anyone.  Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.  We have that freedom from G-d, our own free will. 

However, as we bring up children in this christian world we have to be prepared to answer their questions about our differences.  One will be why don't we believe in J-s-s?  Are we prepared to answer this?  Why do we have different holidays?  Why do they see Sunday as Sabbath and we have Saturday?  Why can't we eat pork?  Why can they eat pork? 

So it would seem christians just believe in a certain man as G-d and Messiah and they can do an eat what they like and be happy.  They have accepted this free gift.  You get what you pay for.  How many free gifts have you really enjoyed versus saving up for something and paying for good quality?  Don't take my law (Torah) away, that's like taking discipline from a child.  Children don't feel love when their parents don't care enough to discipline them, to have them do or not do things for their own good.  This goes for the times when the kids don't understand why.  How many times do we not understand G-d?  It happens.

Actually, christianity has a lot of the right ideas, unfortunately they are slightly off and in the end, like a boat with a rudder slightly to the right or left of its mark,  it ends up taking the wrong course.   

When I denounced my beliefs in christianity, and this is totally true, I felt so free.  I didn't have to believe or die.  This also meant I didn't have to worry about friends and family who didn't believe.   What a relief.  I wasn't relying on a man to take my sins away,  I was responsible for myself-the good and the bad-it gives me control over my life, it gives me purpose.  I was taught at a born again christian retreat-and again this is true-that we have no good in us unless we have J-s-s in our heart.  Well, of course a bunch of scared kids are gonna do what is necessary to guarantee their eternity, and our goodness here on earth.   I went home and my christian parents (not born again) were mortified.  lol. 

Life is a journey.  This is true.  And this is what G-d is looking at, our journey.  Where we came from and where we are going.  We are good people, all of us, because we all belong to G-d.  Our souls were here from the beginning and when we were born G-d took the particular soul meant for that particular life and placed it in that body.  The soul and the body work together.  And G-d is part of every soul that is in us. 

So, my conclusion is: 
we don't need a man to die for us, we are responsible for ourselves, we are of value.
we don't need to accept J-s-s later in life because we are sinners and need his goodness in us-we have G-d living in us from the very beginning, we are pure from the beginning. 
we need the Torah, it is our relationship with G-d.
we can never be separated from G-d in eternal damnation, He was with us from the beginning and is part of us.
G-d does not abandon us if we have doubts, He loves us and welcomes our questions.


  1. Shalom Tamar Ruth!

    My name is Anders and I found your blog today.

    I congratulate of realizing that Christianity is wrong and leaving it!! I also did this more than four years ago.

    You wrote: "we can never be separated from G-d in eternal damnation, He was with us from the beginning and is part of us."

    Please consider this:
    The Omniscient Creator is Perfect, i.e., no imperfection exists, or can exist, in the Creator – as that would render Him imperfect, an intractable contradiction. The absorption of an imperfection, such as imperfect humans like you or me, would, therefore, render an Omniscient Creator self-contradictory. This is the very essence of the Torah-principle of to differentiate between Qodësh – holy – and khol- secular, profane. In other words, the Creator must remain Perfect (Tehilim [hellenized to “Psalms”] 92.16) and Immutable (Malâkhi 3.6). [Quote]

    It is very clear from the Torah that those and only those whom are doing their utmost to keep the mitzwot of Torah have a relationsship with HaSheim; and that only those receive HaSheim's forgiveness in His loving kindness! I have experienced the last four years an immensely meaningful relationsship with HaSheim enabled me doing my utmost to observe the mitzwot of Torah - and haSheims forgiveness for my shortcomings.

    So our goal must be to learn of how to observe the mitzwot including the most ancient and logical Halakhah - which haSheim requires mankind to observe: Link
    There are many practises of Kaballah that contradicts Torah [Documentation: Link]

    Anders Branderud

  2. Thanks for the input Anders, and for the link to your blog. There is so much freedom in the law!
