Adventuresome Me

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Who I started out as is not who I have become! I grew up in a small town, very small...and all I wanted to do was move to the city. Now as an adult that small town has grown and is overcrowded. I want what I had as a kid...small town living. We don't appreciate what we have until it is gone. I water my plants with my rain barrel water,grow veggies in the front yard and want chickens and goats in the worst way. I married my high school sweetheart and after 18 years of marriage converted to Judaism. Did I mention I have 4 kids and I homeschool? My oldest son just graduated! The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences--homeschooling, being Jewish and loving it in a not so Jewish town, gardening, animals, and alternative medicines. So, if any of these things interest you---come along for the ride!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It Takes Time

I am reading a book right now on how to heal my back pain naturally.  While I am going to a chiropractor, orthopedist and pain specialist I always feel the need to do my own research, expecially when the doctors don't sound overly positive about the end results.  It is a wonderful book so far, the author, Art Brownstein,  has person experience with this and speaks of how the body, mind and soul work together.  There are always blessings, or at the very least things to learn, in these inconveniences in our lives. 

From Healing Back Pain Naturally:  When you stretch a specific muscle group, you are strengthening other muscle groups as well.  Every opposing muscle in the body gets strengthened when you stretch its counterpart.  It is impossible not to get stronger even if you are only concentrating on stretching.

Leviticus 19 speaks of how we should treat each other:  don't spread gossip, judge with righteousness, not to steal or lie, or rob a man of his wages.  And love your fellow as yourself. Rabbi Akiva says this is he great principle of the Torah. 

So what does back pain have to do with how we treat each other?  We can see how everything is connected.  In our bodies our muscles effect each other, strengthening one strengthens the rest.  We may each be individuals but collectively we are one body.  When we strengthen ourselves we can't help but be a positive influence on those around us.  Just as stretching and healing weak and/or hurting muscles takes time,  being an encouragement to those who don't want to be encouraged or strengthened will also take time.

One smile or good deed will not turn a person around but it is a start.  We can't give up on each other, we have to be there for those around us, and vice versa, when something gets us down we can count on someone to be there for us, to cheer us up and get us going again.  

This reasoning may help when confronting an unpleasant situation, if we look at it from a different angle as an opportunity to do good in the world.   Back pain and relatonships-it all takes time.

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