Adventuresome Me

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Who I started out as is not who I have become! I grew up in a small town, very small...and all I wanted to do was move to the city. Now as an adult that small town has grown and is overcrowded. I want what I had as a kid...small town living. We don't appreciate what we have until it is gone. I water my plants with my rain barrel water,grow veggies in the front yard and want chickens and goats in the worst way. I married my high school sweetheart and after 18 years of marriage converted to Judaism. Did I mention I have 4 kids and I homeschool? My oldest son just graduated! The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences--homeschooling, being Jewish and loving it in a not so Jewish town, gardening, animals, and alternative medicines. So, if any of these things interest you---come along for the ride!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Privelege of Speech

I recently shared with my kids how wonderful the gift of speech is.  Hashem could've let our pets speak as well but He didn't.  Why?  Because we have the ability to learn and to grow and to share this knowledge with each other through actions and speech.   We use our speech to build each other up and unfortunatlely we abuse it by tearing each other down as well.  Also, how else would we communicate with our Creator without the gift of speech?   We have had our lab for 6 years and she is the same now as she was when we got her, only a little older.  

I am reading the book Around Sarah's Table, its awesome.  Its about a group of women in NY who gather at Sarah's house for Torah study.  In one part of the book they speak of the Tower of Babel.  It says the people were supposed to unite with G-d but, instead they unified with themselves.  This unity gave them the strength to feel they could rebel against G-d.  "The Tower of Babel was an outgrowth of their plan to rebel.  Therefore, the privilege of speaking the holy tongue was taken away from them.  Instead of speaking words that expressed essence, their speech was reduced to 'babble'."  (pg. 156).

So I ask myself, and my kids, are we worthy of the gift of speech?  Do we take it for granted?  Do we curse and gossip?   Speech truly is a gift and when used right Hashem will bless us!

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