Adventuresome Me

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Who I started out as is not who I have become! I grew up in a small town, very small...and all I wanted to do was move to the city. Now as an adult that small town has grown and is overcrowded. I want what I had as a kid...small town living. We don't appreciate what we have until it is gone. I water my plants with my rain barrel water,grow veggies in the front yard and want chickens and goats in the worst way. I married my high school sweetheart and after 18 years of marriage converted to Judaism. Did I mention I have 4 kids and I homeschool? My oldest son just graduated! The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences--homeschooling, being Jewish and loving it in a not so Jewish town, gardening, animals, and alternative medicines. So, if any of these things interest you---come along for the ride!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Holocaust

Today was Holocaust Remembrance Day.  My kids and I watched an old movie with Jane Seymour called The Only Way, from 1970.  It focused on a family from Denmark and how the people from Denmark came together to help the Jews. 

We also went to our shul and helped read names of those who perished in the Holocaust.  We heard a survivor tell his story as well.  He went to a camp that did not give out numbers because they just didn't bother to keep track, if you died you died, there were no logs or records of names there.  His family did not make it.  His mother could have made it but she cried to see her son and they took her out of line and that was the end of that.  People went to the showers expecting water and instead were suffocated with gas.  I have listened to a few people who have survived the Holocaust over the past several years tell their story and all of the stories are so different and yet so similar.  My son asked the man who spoke to his class if he has nightmares and his response was, "everyday."  When our speaker was asked how he survived he said he survived because he decided he was going to.  He was 15 when it was all done. 

It amazes me these people can go on and get married, they have families and have careers.   Their faith is incredible.  So far, the people I have met do not blame G-d.  They cling to Him.  The man who spoke to my son's class goes to shul every morning and davens.  G-d can not be blamed for the decisions of man. 

May we never forget what has happened, may the memory of those who perished be a source of blessing and may history not repeat itself.

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