I used to think it crazy to wait so long to hear the name of a baby, but it was so awesome when I experienced it, to be a part of a celebration, to be among friends and family when the name is given is such a happy moment especially since we are sharing it face to face.
I just had an image of Mt. Sinai. We were all at Mt. Sinai together receiving the 10 commandments with anticipation-we were one. Imagine if we were to receive the 10 commandments today? Would it be in an email or on facebook? Which holds more anticiaption?
Another example~
My daughter got a letter in the mail yesterday (snail mail). It was from a friend she met last summer while we were visiting my dad. I held the letter in the air and yelled out to her that she got mail. She was skateboarding and was so excited the skateboard went flying as she ran in the house to open it. The smile on her face was huge. She wrote a letter back (great way to do penmanship and spelling) and mailed it. She is looking forward to her friend's response. She is full of joy from her letter and of anticipation knowing another one will be coming soon.
These situations started me thinking about our instant society. I am not a prude, I love my internet and I have a cell phone but, I think we are missing out on the joy anticipation brings. Instead of looking forward to the future with anticipation, we are full of anxiety because things are not done fast enough. Because everything is so instant we crave more, not being fully satisfied.
It seems we are in a crash and burn mode now, our society has lost a lot of its joy. I worry for kids today who feel the need to text, send pics and video instantly without thinking it through; who can't hold a conversation with the person they are with without texting someone else; who don't even want to sit and read a book. Is there a way to enjoy the moment we are in while waiting for the next?
How nice it would be to slow down and feel the joy of anticipation.
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